Malachi's Stuff -
Donations - (Our donations include many things, from Scrubs to children's clothes, to toys, to formula, to diapers, to the beautiful quilts (stacked up in the back) that my sister's quilt group made for these little ones.)
The most important of the donations, however, is the formula. We have been told by our director that there is a severe shortage of formula in Ethiopia. It can't even be bought, it's no where to be found. Can you imagine that in the states?? It just wouldn't happen. So, we are going to do what we can to help. Actually, what my parents Sunday School Class can do. They were gracious enough to send us a check to cover 8 cans of formula (16 technically, as they are the extra extra large cans), 1 box of diapers (which there is also a shortage of, but we figured formula is a bit more of a necessity) plus pay for the bag to get it there! (A whopping $180!!!) We also received 12 other cans of regular sized formula cans from a friend who's neighbor works in pediatrics. They get lots of samples!
Toiletries - (Yes, yes I did splurge and buy the travel size of EVERYTHING. Really, who wants to be packing their shampoo and hairspray and toothbrush the morning you are trying to get out the door?? Not me! I want to be done by Thursday and ready to walk out the door Friday if they call and tell me my plane is leaving 24 hours early! Will this happen? Of course not. But I still splurged! Besides, it takes up less room.)
We have a snack pile too, which isn't complete yet, so I didn't photo it. But, all it all, here is what we've got.....
So, other than our clothing (which I will try to pack as light as possible....very hard for the woman who packs the kitchen sink when we leave for church on a Sunday morning), that's our "luggage".
Now, do you remember that game you played as a child? The one where you had to guess how many button's were in a jar? Then it evolved to how many jelly beans were in a jar? Well, now it will again evolve. How many suitcases will it take for us to get this all there? If you win, you get ... um, nothing. If you lose (which there will be many of you), you have the penalty of paying for the extra bag that it really will take! :)
Off to pack.........
Jody, Way to go! I think you will be ready by the end of the week, so you can come help me. See you in Ethiopia.
Wow. That's a lot of stuff!
Hey - I think (and I could be wrong) that there's a really big box of formula cans in the MOPS closet at church. You can have them if you want, although it might be hard to get them there. I think (again, I might be wrong) that a lot of it is those single serve packets which would be easy to squeeze in where you can. I'm going to the Boulder campus tomorrow, so I'll check while I'm there and maybe even bring it home for you!
Jody, you are hilarious! I wish we could travel together. Give my baby a hug for me there! Nice piles...we have some just like it. Seeing your blog makes me want to take some pics of ours...
man, I love you.
i still owe you a candy bar... what kind do you like?
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