Malachi is doing AMAZING!!! He continues to fill our hearts with joy every day. He still loves to make people laugh, which I love! He is "cruising" all over the place. He has figured out his own little obstacle course through the maze that is our home. He has a lot to say too...typical Britton. He says "Dadda, Momma, Ba-ba (bottle), Ni-ni (good night), hi (of which he also waves very dramatically), love you, light, ball, that, and Jesus (according to Providence)". He also signs "more" and "please". SO CUTE! He's gained about 5 lb's since we've been home! He loves to dance to anything with a beat, even Daddy's random drum sessions on the table. (And he's got rythym too...Malachi, not Dad. Well, Dad does too, he is a drummer after all!) He's starting to let other people look at him without crying ... and a few have even had the privaledge of holding him. One babysat for 2 hours during the day. Crazy! He loves being outside, but hates the grass. It's a twisted humor I have, when I try to sit my child in the grass and he lifts his legs and cries in protest ... yet I do that over and over again because it is just funny.
The pictures are much cuter than my words. So, here ya go!
Christmas Eve. All dressed up for church. I think it is funny that Malachi and Eden are making the same face in this picture.
Just cuz he's cute....
Sleeping like a baby (which is a joke of a term really...) in Mom and Dad's bed...cuz Dad lets him. :) At least he is cute in that big ol' bed!
Our future Tiger Woods??? :)
Hi !
"What-chyou-talkin-bout-Willis???" hehe