Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Kirabo Dorcas Linda BRITTON !!!

Today was our final step in the adoption process....our court date in the US to finalize the adoption of Kira. This was amazing on two fronts. One - the court squeezed us in today....3 days before the end of the year.  And two - the Court made an exception for our family to be seen before the 6 month mark that is normally required in the state of Colorado. (You adoption folks understand WHY this is amazing!)

It was such a great time. The Judge started by telling us the proceedings were very casual and informal. The kids got to sit in the Jury chairs the entire time. The Judge asked Kira and all the kids questions about if they are nice to each other (of which I am now using to remind them that they swore before a Judge to be nice, so they better not break the law!). Aaron and I were then asked a handful of questions about if we are able to provide for Kira. One of the questions was if we had the financial, emotional and mental ability to care for Kira ..."and the energy". To which I replied, "most days". :)  My favorite question though was when he asked if we realize that if he is to grant a favorable ruling - Kira will be our child AS IF BORN UNTO US ... "even when she's a teenager". YES! YES! and even then... YES! 

Upon giving our resounding yes - he stated that it was then his pleasure to grant our petition of adoption. Kira is now a US Citizen and legally a Britton !

When we were done, he asked the kids to take their seat at his bench. :) He began to interact on a personal level with us as well, telling us he has 3 Internationally adopted children, and 2 bio. We thanked him for allowing us to be seen today, to which he responded that it was his pleasure. And I kid you not - tears were in the kind Judge's eyes, and a few streaming down his cheek.

We know that none of this was coincidence. From the moment we asked for the Courts to make an exception to see us before the end of the year until we had the decree in our possession - we know the hand of God orchestrated this all. Even our Agency Director stated she had never seen them wave the 6 month rule, and told us we must have "special favor". I don't know about any special favor - but God certainly answered our prayers over the last year regarding the entire adoption process.... Some the way we asked, others the way He willed (of which we also asked). To God be all the glory!

This picture includes our amazing social worker and agency director. If you live in CO and need a good agency, CAC is the best!


  1. My dear, dear friends!! This is a wonderful, wonderful thing. As I sit here reading and looking at these pictures and yes...crying, I am reminded of all the prayers and petitions that have been prayed on behalf of this darling, beautiful girl, and her amazing (and agonizing at times) journey to your family. Thank you God. And thank you Jody and Aaron for allowing so many of us to be a part of your story.

  2. Woo-hoo we finalized today too! Congrats to your entire family. In WI we were required to do it within 60 days.

  3. I LOVE THIS POST! How exciting, Jody! I would've loved to have been there, and seen the joy and relief on everyone's faces - including the judge's. How awesome is that?! I love it. I'm so glad for you all. You're a WONDERFUL family and I'm so glad to count you as friends! And yes, I would say you have special favor, daughter of the King!

  4. We serve an awesome God. To see how quickly all the legal transactions moved favorably in Fort Portal and Kampala with the U.S. Embassy, the Lord was still working on moving the process quickly through the U.S. Courts. And to have such a caring judge on the bench, both in Fort Portal and in Colorado, has to be attributed to the grace of God. Now Grandma and I can officially call Kira our Grand Daughter even though we had been doing that since Fort Portal

  5. Wow! Just wow. I'm a 17 year old and I have already planned that once I'm married, I'll have 4 children of which only one will be my birth. Reading your blog, somehow, I can't wait to grow up, start a family and adopt! Thank you you that lovely post.


  6. So much hope swells up in my heart as I read tonight. Thank you for being open about your family's journey. So sweet to see God answer your prayers in all the details! Through the hard times and sweet times, I have seen the hand of God. Yeah, Britton family!

  7. Woo hoo! What wonderful news! God is good :) What a beautiful family!
