Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Isaiah 14:24

This was the week we were scheduled to leave for Uganda. Due to some circumstances beyond anyone's control, our trip will be delayed. We don't know until when, but we're praying it won't be long.

Many of you have been praying for the details, and for that - we thank you. I've been praying for mountains to move, and miracles to happen .... and of course I've been praying for them to happen the way I want them to.

Well, things aren't happening the way I want them to. It dawned on me that had they, I would be blogging - shouting to the rooftops of God's faithfulness in answering our prayers. So why I would I not proclaim the same thing even when things don't go my way?

In all honesty, I'm heartbroken and confused.


Here I am shouting to the rooftops. GOD IS FAITHFUL !!! He hears our prayers. I still believe He is in control. I still believe He is sovereign. I still believe He IS moving mountains to unite us with our Ugandan Sweetie. I still believe He is in the details. I still believe He loves our Ugandan Sweetie more than I ever can or will. Maybe He's not revealing all the details of how, but He is just the same.

Isaiah 14:24
24The LORD of hosts has sworn: "As I have planned,
   so shall it be,
and as I have purposed,
   so shall it stand,

I'm thankful and humbled that He's letting me be a part of this story. 


TheHappyNeills said...

I pray that simply out of his mercy and goodness, He lets you see WHY, once you get there. I know He has a plan and just pray that it will all make sense to you once you get there as you see reasons unfolding. . . praying! Some of the hardest things we had to deal with (a 1 month delay of court, then court delayed a week once we were there and Rick having to leave before court, etc.) eventually had INCREDIBLE purposes behind them even though we couldn't understand them at face value at first.

Jeff said...
