Yes, this is another post plugging our upcoming fundraiser.... thank you.
Exciting, exciting news!
1) We raised enough donations/prizes, to the point where even the money people donated for prizes, is now going toward our adoption instead. (This is b/c so many people gave gift cards, and other gifts for this part of the fundraiser. More on that to come in a minute.)
2) A family came forward and offered up a matching grant of $2500 for the money that is raised from this event! So now, your $20 buy in just became $40! For those who have already donated on Paypal, your $50 donations just turned into $100 ! We are so blessed to have such a gift donated to us, and couldn't help but sharing it with the blog world to shamelessly plead one last time (maybe) for your help. Won't you help us get to $2500???? If we can raise $2500 from this event, we will be able to have $5000 to help us bring home our next daughter. YES! $5000. I can't even begin to tell you how helpful this would be !
So we're asking again: come out and play (message me if you want details!), and for those of you who live far away or just aren't into the poker thing, would you PLEASE consider a virtual buy-in of $20 anyway? (Or any amount, really.)
You can use the same paypal link as before....and from this point on, all donations are going toward our little one!!!! Here's the link again:
We can't thank this family enough for offering up such a large amount, and we can't thank you enough for any amount. Everything counts .... only between now and Jan 14th, it counts double. :)
Also, for those of you who are thinking about playing .....Check out the prizes!!!!
Included in the first place winnings:
An XBox 360 !!!! WHAT, WHAT?!?!?!
All other prizes~
Gift Cards:
golf smith $50
olive garden $15
pf changs $10
cold stone $10
starbucks $5
chipotle $20
applebees $25
amazon $20
QDoba $25
2 of these beautiful pieces of artwork by the famous Laura Prill (check out her other stuff. She's amazing!)
10lbs of starbucks coffee
starbucks coffee themed basket
A bunch of VANS gear
And there's still more coming in.....
**Beginner players welcome!
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