Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Travel Plans On the Horizon

Courts re-open in just 2 weeks!!!! We are so excited for the ball to start rolling again. There is a group of families before us who have their court dates scheduled for Oct. 8. (About 6-8 families I believe.) They have also been given tentative travel dates of Oct 25th. I'm thrilled for them, and saddened at the same time, as I was holding out hope of them traveling sooner than the 25th, and my travel group traveling at the end of October. However, it appears that we will wait until our turn in November. Perhaps November 1st???? A mom can hope, right? Besides, little Woody and Jessie (AKA Sam & Eden) may not be happy if we aren't here to see them parading around on the 31st dressed as these characters. :)

Anyway, if you could please remember us and all the other waiting families over the next month. (I believe our court date is sometime mid-October.) Pray for the courts to run smooth, and quick. Pray for families to get through their court dates ON their allotted dates. And one last HUGE request for us, is please remember our flights in your prayers. We moved forward in faith to try and use Frequent Flier Miles for our flights. (One blessed family has plenty for our roundtrip airfair!) Pray this can happen. With the condition that airlines are in, this is one of those shady areas. I can't stress enough though how we need that to be our means of travel.

So, I'll keep you posted these next couple of weeks! We're almost there!!!! Thank you for your continued prayers for us as we wait.


  1. Hi Jody!
    We are praying! These next few weeks are going to be exciting and emotional for all of us :)

  2. Praying for so many right now! Court dates and court passing and more court dates assigned ` Just covering the MOWA and courts in our prayers. So wanting for things to run smoothly and for us all to get outta here and bring our kiddos home!!
    love, jori

  3. YAY! I am SO praying for your travel and for your time in ET. I can't wait to meet your little man!!

    Oh...and to answer your question... we took custody of our babes the 2nd day we met them... after we switched to an 'approved' guest home. :)
